What if the flat earth were  right and the Earth was in fact flat.How would the gravity work? would we still have time zones changes of seasons with the condition for life here on earth exist. Here's what would happen if the earth fact flat 
          what the Earth would look like if it was flat. First of all we forget about walking to it's edge,gravity would simply not let you wait. Would the gravity even be possible on a flat earth.The answer is  yes,of course the force of gravity is what keeps our planet or any other planet together.It's what forms a planet in the first place,in the case of pancake shaped earth,the force of gravty would pull you to the center and will become stronger as you tried to walk away from it pulling the top of your body backwards.It would feel as you climbing a hill that was getting steeper and steeper, by the time you reach the edge down and behind  you would be the same direction.

            sound weird how how about water being sucked into the center of the earth or diagonal trees growing in the opposite direction  of gravity's pull and then there's the sun, how would a flat earth behave  in space. One flat earth theory is that the sun  revolves around the earth not the v other way around,what if the sun orbited around earth just like moon.Does in that case you'd never suffer jetlag because there'd be no such as time zone.The sun would light up both the top and and the bottom of the planet,this would means constant light no day and night cycle also no seasons or solar eclipses 

           The sun itself to be much smaller otherwise it would burn the earth to crisp,it would probably  fry the planet anyway,as there would be no geomagnetic field to protect earth from its radiations. The geomagnetic field is generated in the solid core of the earth and keeps our atmosphere from escaping without  it,cosmic rays would bombard our bodies  causing everything from cancer to DNA damage. The oceans would escape into space,so with the air  and all our oxygen but let's assume that s flat earth had alternative to our  magnetic field 

            This way  you'd still be alive to notice some of the strange flat earth effects ,like your shadow,say if you had a friend just as tall as you much but they lived  a thousand miles away on a sunny day,your shadow would be very same length, because unlike here on a spherical earth the sun ray'shit the both of you at the same angle and if you were to meet up travelling would turn out very different.Let's take a map introduced by the flat earth society,yeah the one that shows the arctic at he center and the Antarctic as an ice wall around in the edges,in this case it would take you 32 hours to fly from Australia to Argentina.

            Did we mention there be no GPS , satellites wouldn't be able to orbit a flat earth leaving humanity with no navigation and no synchronized time,this means no ATMs, no credit cards,no high-speed stock market transactions,on the bright side with a good pair of binoculars  you   could see Dubai's Burj Khalifa from any part of the flat earth,but let's be honest you don't need to build your own rocket to see that the earth is not flat ,the evidence is all around us.


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