The future depending on your perspective is destined for immense potential or utter bleakness. As technology continues to advance like never before.Scientist have released predictions on what's in store for mankind in the future.Whatever the future holds whether wasteland or utopia.One thing for certain is that's coming
Mankind always questioned whether or not were the only ones out here in the universe and the telescope already able to check other solar systems around us.W're currently on pace to making a definitive breakthrough in the search for life in space.With humans sending rockets across the galaxy and travelling through the cosmos for decades now.Will we be able to to listen to it once it finally answered back and more importantly will we like what we hear.How likely is it that were the only ones in the universe.Not very ,according to the top astronomer Kevin hand,who currently believes,we have plenty of intergalactic neighbors within our galaxy.Telescopes from NASA have discovered planet similar to earth orbiting near a star in our solar system leading many scientist to theorize that were only decades away from confirming whether or not life exists on other planets.As new approaches to accessing the far reaches of space continued to develop the search for life blooms in the future.How long do you think it will take for us to ind a alien life number
No language barrier,everyone dreams being able to communicate in any language and technology will change the way human interact and communicate with one another.Each year there are numerous publications that rank languages in orders of importance and which ones are destined to dominate in the future.What if the answer is not Several languages but one experts contended of the 6000 plus languages is currently spoken on the earth.About 90% of them will have die out by the end of this century.As globalization continues to take over.There is also near term prospect of instant translation of every language,thanks for scientist and technology.Google is one of the company's leading the charge towards turning your smartphone in to a lingual behemoth.At the end of 2017 google released their first such device called google pixel buds which according to business insider did a good job at basic translation and offers translation of up to 40 different languages on the future.such devices likely to become flawless offering you the opportunity to communicate with anyone.even that would all be tribesman trying to woo your wife but the prevailing question will be ,you really want to be able to converse with any and everyone would encount
Mother earth is no longer stranger to super continents with Pangaea.Once the first continent where dinosaurs roamed before breaking up into the current alignment.Top geologists theorized that these land masses formed through a process known as introversions and extraversion.When supercontinents form on top of previous supercontinents,in the future scientists predict the rise of the next supercontinent Amasia,which is set form when Asia and the Americas close off the Arctic oceans.As they drift northward and merge.When that happens is up to even further discussion but the current state of intense,global warning estimates are that,it will occur sooner as opposed to later.After all scientists predict another supercontinent configuration known as Pangaea Ultima which will merge all earth;s landmass into a continuous continent,don't worry though,it won't happen in your lifetime unless you expect to live 250 million years.Let's hope we're all cunning linguist by,by the time the next supercontinent emerges
We will be able to say goodbye to fat forever.The fight against fat is a war.Man has waged for thousands of years,but in the future obesity is poisoned to become a thing of the past.As the technology and pharmaceuticals will likely aid in shedding those unwanted calories and pounds.Future trends to maintain the body include the stomach chips to limit the absorption of fat as well as drugs to increase the metabolism and empty the stomach over time. As early as 2020 weight loss drugs will sustain the body with little to no side effects.Our cellphones will soon make the leap to providing even more extensively curated weight loss programs to overcome obesity,with apps already being positioned to also address the heart rates as well as execute saliva and blood tests.Medical scientist also predict the future of weigh loss lies in the protein leptin.A hormone that results in decreased food intake and weight loss.The battle of the Bulge could finally be conquered by the end of the century or as soon as the next 15 years.
We may complain about patholes in the current state of highway infrastructure but in the future bridges will have the ability to repair themselves of even hairline fractures in only a matter of days.The future of highways involve the interaction of rain water and carbon dioxide to activate to form calcium carbonate patch along with expertly engineered microfibers that will repair and sustain passageways leading the charge towards the future is senior researcher at the NRC institute dr.Daniel cusan ,the inventor of a highly durable concrete that increase the bridge life spans by as much as 40 years compared to normal concrete.With the rise in earthquakes and other natural disasters a self healing bridge or highway may be one of greatest achievements to look forward
to.In the future city engineers are exited by the prospect of self healing concrete that will have the ability to not only heal itself on bridges when they crack but also report back other abnormalities via monitoring system
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